How to surf in CS2?

If you are new to CS2, Waytosmurf will learn you how to surf. Surfing in CS2 can be difficult for those who do not know how it is done. There are two things involved in CS2 surfing which are:

  1. Strafing
  2. Turning


A and D are the keys to begin your left and right moments for strafing and mouse for correct movement adjustment. Movement keys are used inversely in strafing, for example, if you are strafing to the Left then the movement key D will be used and vice-versa. It is easier to surf on the lower portion of a ramp but speed is required before every jump between the ramps to move across the gaps. Strafing can only be mastered by practicing and it can be difficult because the size of any ramp may vary according to the map, so a few strafe jumps can be easy and few can be difficult but the correct amount of time used for mastering strafing can help you get over the difficult ones quicker.


Turning is the 2nd step after mastering strafing. Turning requires almost to perfect accuracy in timing and movement that is why many people learn or practice turning after strafing because a single mistake can stop your movement in mid-air and if you’re in a match then it can get you eliminated in that round as well, for example, you are turning to the right and you pressed A instead of D or you pressed D along with S or A then your movement can be held in mid-air and you can drop to the ground. Many Pro / Advanced Players Suggest mastering “Bhopping” or “Bunny Hopping” to master strafe and turning but bunny hops can mostly be missed and can cause a decrease in speed which is a kind of a pain to regain by walking and then attempting another Bhop, it makes the practice of Bhop or Bunny Hopping difficult to someone who is just starting to improve his movement speed in CS2 after buying smurf accounts from the store.

Surfing Servers:

Surfing Servers are the best option to learn and master surfing itself. Many beginner and advanced players visit these community servers to polish their skills in surfing to get better at it. Surfing servers have difficulty levels known as Tiers and it varies from Tier 1 to Tier 6 and every server has their Tier written in their server title. Tier 1 is for the beginners who are starting with the base level of surfing and following up to Tier 6, it is for those who are really advanced in this skill and trying to get more advanced by surfing on harder obstacles.

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