Why do people look down in CS2?

People look down in CS2 for a variety of reasons. Waytosmurf will tell you about the most common reason, it is to gain an advantage over their opponents. By looking down, players can see their opponents’ feet and anticipate their movements. This can give them an edge in a firefight, as they can react faster and more accurately to their opponents’ movements. Another reason people look down in CS2 is to check for grenades. By looking down, players can see if their opponents have thrown a grenade and can react accordingly. This can be especially useful in close-quarters combat, as it can give players the opportunity to dodge or throw back the grenade.

Finally, some players look down in CS2 to check for traps. By looking down, players can spot any traps that their opponents may have set up. This can be especially useful in defusal maps, as it can give players the opportunity to spot and disarm any traps that their opponents may have set up.

Overall, looking down in CS2 can give players an advantage over their opponents. By looking down, players can anticipate their opponents’ movements, spot grenades, and check for traps. This can give them the edge they need to win a firefight or defuse a bomb.

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